Larry M. Simonsmeier Writing Award


The American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) is a nationwide organization with the purposes of: (i) furthering knowledge in the law related to pharmacists, pharmacies, the provision of pharmaceutical care, the manufacturing and distribution of drugs, and other food, drug, and medical device policy issues ("Pharmacy Law"); (ii) communicating accurate legal educational information; and (iii) providing education opportunities for pharmacists, attorneys, and others who are interested in Pharmacy Law.

ASPL recognizes outstanding scholarship related to Pharmacy Law with the Simonsmeier Award. The Award recognizes an outstanding paper relating to the interests of ASPL published during the prior two years (2023 and 2024). The 2025 Award includes an honorarium plus support for travel to the ASPL Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXVI in Fort Lauderdale, FL November 6-9, 2025.

The Award is named in honor of the late Larry Simonsmeier (1944-2009), who was a pharmacist and attorney, professor and dean of Washington State University College of Pharmacy, president of ASPL, and editor of the Rx Ipsa Loquitur for more than twenty years.


Papers related to Pharmacy Law, as defined above, published in or accepted for publication in any English-language peer-reviewed journal (including law reviews) during the period from January 2023 through December 2024 are eligible. Interested parties are invited to nominate published papers written by themselves or other authors. Authors may submit manuscripts that are in press.

Submission of Nominations

Nominations should provide the name, address, daytime telephone number, and e-mail address of the nominator, a reprint of the full paper, and a complete journal citation for the paper being nominated. If an author is submitting a manuscript that is in press, the copy of the manuscript should be accompanied by documentation from the journal editor of the status of the paper and should include contact information for the journal editor. The deadline for submission of nominations for the Larry M. Simonsmeier Award is June 30, 2025.

Nominations should be addressed to:

Education & Scholarship Committee
American Society for Pharmacy Law
1900 E. College Ave., Suite A401
Normal IL 61761

Questions may be directed to ASPL at:
Phone: 217-529-6948
E-Mail: [email protected]

Recipients of the Larry M. Simonsmeier Award

Tanya Karwaki
Giving Pharmacists Provider Right
8 Tex. A&M L. Rev. 331
Journal of Health & Biomedical Law, XVII (2021): 209-246

Julia Thibault
America’s Oldest Drug Cartel: Civil RICO Action
In Re Insulin Pricing Litigation and the Case for Overruling the Indirect Purchaser Rule
American Journal of Law & Medicine, 46 (2020): 470-500

Francis B. Palumbo, PhD, Esq.
Lee H. Rosebush, PharmD, JD, MS, MBA
Lowell M. Zeta, JD, LLM
Navigating Through a Complex and Inconsistent Regulatory Framework: Section 503B of the Federal Food Drug
Cosmetic Act Outsourcing Facilities Engaged in Clinical Investigation
Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science 2016, Vol. 50 (3)

Martha M. Rumore, Pharm.D., J.D.,M.S., LLM, F.A.Ph.A.
Post Caronia: Is a new paradigm needed for off-label medication usage?
Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing
November 2013 13: 212-220, first published on March 3, 2014

Claire Frezza, PharmD, JD
Medical Marijuana:  A Drug Without a Medical Model
101 Geo. L.J. 117 (2013)

Jason Cetel
Disease Branding and Drug-Mongering: Could Pharmaceutical Industry
Promotion Practice Result in Tort Liability?
42 Seton Hall L. Rev. 643 (2012)

Matthew Avery
Personalized Medicine and Rescuing “Unsafe” Drugs with Pharmacogenics
Food and Drug Law Journal, Volume 65, Number 1 (2010, pp 37-65)

Aileen M. McGill
Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceuticals:
Why a WTO Administrative Body Should Determine
What Constitutes a Public Health Crisis under the DOHA Declaration
Wake Forest Intellectual Property Law Journal, Fall 2009
Kimberly A. Burns, RPh, JD and Allen R. Spies, RPh, JD, MBA, PhD
A Pharmacist's Duty to Warn: Promoting the Acceptance
of a Consistent Legal and Professional Standard
Duquesne Law Review, Volume 27
Allison D. Garrett, JD and Robert Garis, PhD
Leveling the Playing Field in the Pharmacy Benefit Management Industry
Valparaiso University Law Review, 33 (2007)
Mary Ellen Fleck Kleinman
State Regulation of Canadian Pharmacies:
A Prescription to Violate the Supremacy Clause
American Journal of Law & Medicine, Volume 32, Number 2/3, 2006
Lars Noah
Ambivalent Commitments to Federalism in Controlling the Practice of Medicine
University of Kansas Law Review, Volume 53, Number 1, 2004