2024 ASPL Committees and Objectives Interested in joining a committee? Contact us for more information. Committee and Co-Chair Duties (click to review and complete form)
Sponsorship Committee
This committee works with the Board of Directors to maintain the fiscal strength and integrity of ASPL by managing and coordinating fundraising for ASPL including conference sponsorships and honoraria for designated awards presented by ASPL. This committee works from March through November.
Members: Chair/board liaison - Bethany Francis
Mark Boesen Emily Do Steve Gray Joseph McHale Heidi McKinnon Eugene O'Donnell Edward Rickert Larry Selkow Kyle Vasquez Gregory Yen
Charge for 2024 1. Obtain sponsorship funds for ASPL Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV in the amount of $90,000. 2. Identify new potential ways for sponsors to participate in ASPL. 3. Review benefits of sponsorship at each level for ASPL and other similar organizations. Provide Board with recommendations that align ASPL with similar organizations. 4. Obtain funding for the Larry M. Simonsmeier Writing Award.
Program and Education Committee
This committee has three subcommittees each with their specific charges.
Education Subcommittee The Education Subcommittee plans the educational content of ASPL conferences in close coordination with the other sub-committees. Committee reviews proposed submissions and selects final presentations. Committee may also recommend topics and recruit faculty. Committee works with staff to assure faculty meets ASPL submission and CPE/CLE requirements.
Members: Co-Chair - Anne O’Brien Co-Chair - Kala Shankle Board Liaison - Jerry Moore
Alexis Adams Jennifer Baumgartner Ilisa Bernstein Jennell Bilek Steve Cava Deneen Fumich Nick Gonzales Kim Grinston Eman Kirolos Eileen Lewinski Debbie Mack Justin Macy Todd Nova Karla Palmer Sweta Patel Ettie Rosenburg Mike Simko Melissa Starry Danielle Swenson Jangus Whitner
Charge for 2024 1. Plan educational programming for ASPL Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV in 2024. 2. Plan educational programming for pharmacy law track for the annual APhA meeting in 2025. 3. Plan educational programming for any other conferences in which ASPL may participate. 4. Ensure that all educational programming complies with continuing education requirements as identified by CE providers. Work closely with Quarles & Brady to establish requirements for CLE ethics.
Webinar/Roundtable/Podcast Subcommittee The Webinar/Roundtable Subcommittee plans the educational content of ASPL webinars and roundtables throughout the year.
Members: Co-Chair/board liaison - Henry Hine Co-Chair - Kala Shankle
Nicole Burgmeier Ben DiMarco Michael Dowell Joseph Fielder Gregory Kaupp Debbie Mack Natalia Mazina Marina Plotkin Kristin Villa Andy York Anne Marie Youlio
Charge for 2024 1. Plan 6 educational programs outside of the Seminar, whether podcasts or webinars. 2. Ensure that all educational programming complies with continuing education requirements as identified by CE providers. Work closely with Quarles & Brady to establish requirements for CLE ethics. 3. Identify potential new ways to reach ASPL members and others on programming offered by ASPL. This content might include an evergreen webinar or a video that provides useful information on current topics related to law and policy.
Pharmacy Law Educators Subcommittee The Subcommittee plans the educational content of the Pharmacy Law Educators portion of ASPL conferences in close coordination with the other subcommittees and staff. It recommends topics and recruits faculty presenters. The Subcommittee works with Staff to assure faculty meets ASPL submission and CPE/CLE requirements.
Members: Co-Chair - Rachel Barenie Co-Chair/board liaison - Gina Moore Co-Chair - Geoffrey Mospan
Betsy Abbot Jennifer Adams Jennell Bilek Alex Cooper Andrew Dang Kimberly France Cynthia Hall Henry Hine John Jones Anthony Pattin Amy Reese Rodney Richmond Jim Ruble Emily Van Kristin Villa
Charge for 2024 1. Plan, recruit and oversee the presentation of the Pharmacy-Law Educators session at the Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV. 2. Work with Webinar/Roundtable Subcommittee to create 2-3 roundtables for ASPL members. 3. Update a list of each person who teaches pharmacy law in every U.S. school of pharmacy. 4. Compile and distribute results of benchmarking survey. 5. Create process of informing students about ASPL. 6. Conduct an information and data gathering program with ASPL members, educational accreditation entities (i.e., Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education), and possibly state licensing entities (e.g., Board of Pharmacy) regarding status of state level jurisprudence examinations in the US:
a. which states currently require multistate pharmacy jurisprudence examination v(MPJE) for pharmacist license b. which states may be considering substantial changes to MPJE, e.g., discontinuation of exam c. in those state(s) which have discontinued jurisprudence examination, are other methods being used to verify pharmacist knowledge of legal/regulatory requirements
7. Information gathering would most likely involve a survey tool but could include other data collection tools (e.g. NABP Survey of Pharmacy Law). 8. Provide any observations to ASPL Board of Directors regarding data trends in MPJE.
Awards & Scholarship Committee
This committee coordinates the review and selection of recipients of ASPL’s various awards programs May through September each year depending upon nominations received.
Members: Co-Chair/Board Liaison - Anthony Gray Co-Chair - Mike Podgurski
Dick Abood David Bobb Eman Kirolos Sarah O'Rourke Frank Palumbo William Stilling Gregory Yen
Charge for 2024 1. Select recipient for Larry M. Simonsmeier Writing Award to be awarded at the Annual Meeting/Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV. 2. Select recipient for 2024 Fink Family Scholarship to be awarded at the Annual Meeting/Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV. 3. Select recipient for 2024 Fink Founder Award to be awarded at the Annual Meeting/Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV. 4. Select recipient for 2024 Ken Baker Memorial Student Scholarship to be awarded at the Annual Meeting/Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXXV. 5. Look for new ways/avenues to promote the awards/scholarships.
Diplomat & Credentialing Program Committee
This committee coordinates the DASPL Program content, reviews and approves candidates, coordinates session topics and speakers for bi-monthly meetings.
Members: Co-Chair - Erin Albert Co-Chair - Patrick Carpenter
Jennell Bilek Jennifer Cyr Michael DeBisschop Emily Do Eman Kirolos Jim Ruble Stephanie Thompson Jangus Whitner
Charge for 2024 1. Create sustainable program to have classes begin in odd # years (Class III in 2025). 2. Conduct Class II monthly programs and projects at the 2024 Fall Seminar. 3. Provide recommendations for the creation of a ASPL Fellowship Program.
Communication, Member Relations and Marketing Committee
This committee oversees ASPL’s publications, website, membership marketing, member services and outreach to other organizations in coordination with Staff and the publications Editor.
Members: Co-Chair - Ronald Friedman Co-Chair - Natalia Mazina Board Liaison - Todd Nova
Betsy Abbot Christina Antoun Jeanne Brennan Ben DiMarco Michael Dowell Stephanie Eckerle Anthony Fanucci Deneen Fumich Blake Griese Henry Hine Matthew Irwin Greg Kaupp Eman Kirolos Jerry Moore Eugene O'Donnell Katea Ravega Mike Simko Monet Stanford Kristin Villa Jon Wallace Andy York
Charge for 2024 1. Review association social media accounts and what content is shared. 2. Assist editor with RX Ipsa Loquitur and Pharma Law E-News by identifying potential articles/topics. 3. Revamp and send out member survey to assess the value of member services. 4. Identify potential new member service(s) to increase understanding and engagement of pharmacy law and practice. 5. Coordinate outreach efforts to establish positive relationships with similar organizations.
Nominating Committee
This committee is appointed by the President of at least 3 active ASPL members and is generally chaired by the current Past President. They will review nominations of candidates and submit a slate of officers and directors to the Board for approval at the July Board meeting.
Charge for 2024 1. Create process for recruitment of board members. 2. Create process for election tie-breakers.
Finance and Audit Committee
This committee oversees ASPL’s financial filing requirements and proposes financial policies as needed. Oversee the Ken Baker Memorial Student Scholarship Endowment Fund.
Members: Co-Chair - David Bobb Co-Chair/board liaison - Marty Dix
Denise Frank Henry Hine Laura Ritzman
Charge for 2024 1. Insure 2023 audit is completed in a timely manner. 2. Insure 990 Taxes are filed in a timely manner. 3. Update financial reserve and investment policies as needed. 4. Review the endowment fund monies received on a quarterly basis. 5. Update the endowment fund policies as needed. 6. Provide an annual report to the Board on the endowment fund.
Editorial Board
The Board reviews and creates content for the monthly ASPL newsletters.
Joseph L. Fink, III, JD, RPh, FAPhA Nicholas H. Meza, JD, MPH Roger N. Morris, JD, RPh